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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 1 - 10 pounds UP

I woke up this morning feeling lighter already. So I checked the scale, and HUH! I had actually lost 2 pounds since yesterday. I WAS pretty good yesterday - worked out to the Biggest Loser Kinnect Game, shoveled about a million square feet of snow, danced to Dance Central with friends.. PLUS I avoided the snacky snacks that were put out at our friends' house, and instead stuck to clear, low calorie VODKA. On to something? Of course! Lesson of pre-30 day Challenge day: Leave the snacks on the table and you CAN have those (light) cocktails. Isn't that more the point anyway?

So here's what I started my DAY 1 with: Let's see if I can continue the mysterious weight loss for the rest of the 30 days:


Healthy Breakfast Burrito: 2 egg whites, 1 whole egg, mushrooms, splash of shredded low fat cheese in a whole wheat wrap
Skinny Latte - 2 shots espresso, 1/4 cup skim milk, splash Blue Agave Nectar for sweetness, dash vanilla extract

Lunch (we ate late!)

Hummus Plate - red peppers. olives, artichokes, housemade hummus, whole wheat pita triangles
Cup Vegetarian Chili
2 Beers (oops!! I really tried to say wine, or even vodka -- BUT, we were at Hingham Beer Works so I did what any health-conscious diner would do... I ordered the Stout. Twice.)


Slice of Veggie "Quiche" - 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, frozen summer vegetables, dash Panko crumbs, dash taco cheese. Baked at 350 degrees for 15 minutes
Carrots, celery & low-fat veggie dip
2 Light Vodka Drinks


50 minute OUTDOOR run (in 23 degree weather). This, I think, counts as double because of the frigid temps, acrobatics I did around snowbanks and oncoming cars, and DID I MENTION IT WAS 23 DEGREES???!!) Just don't ask me how far I ran, or my awesomeness will go down a few notches in your eyes... Plus, I will simply respond: "I ran 50 minutes." As an aside, my thighs were so frozen that I couldn't tell if my spandex pants were falling down [they usually do, so I erred on the side of "Yes" and pulled at them every once in a while with my stone cold, Halloween glove-clad fingers. (kids have North Face, I have iParty...)]

The Will Power Moment of My Day

When a leftover large cheese pizza was brought in by a friend who drove my 6-year old home from a birthday party. I watched as four kids gnoshed at the slices, wanting one, and thankfully did not give in. Besides, I reasoned -- the drink will taste better than the pizza, so I poured a new one. And it did.

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